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2017-11-14 03:00:35


Tweep github page: Tweep is an advanced Twitter scraping tool written in python that allows for scraping Tweets and pictures from Twitter profiles without using Twitter's API.

In this post you fill find small guide how to install this tool. There is two possibilities. Install tweep on your local host or choose docker with pre-installed tool. Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS


Docker image you can find here

docker pull szalek/pentest-tools
docker run -it szalek/pentest-tools

How to use

tweep -u Sza1ek


If you prefer installation, here is what I using too add this tool to docker

apt-get update && \\
apt-get install -y git && \\
apt-get install -y python-pip && \\
pip install image && \\
pip install requests && \\
git clone /home/tweep && \\
chmod +x /home/tweep/ && \\
ln -s /home/tweep/ /usr/bin/tweep